Love on the Menu Page 9
It was only when they were outside the pub and she slipped off her jacket that he saw what she was wearing. With a groan, he resisted the urge to pull her top up.
Not only did she have ‘it,’ but she definitely knew how to flaunt it. Jago wondered why he felt so territorial. He couldn’t take his eyes off the black basque she wore, in stark contrast to her fitted white jeans.
“Come on, follow me,” he muttered, holding the door open for her. He didn’t miss the admiring looks thrown her way, and he glared them down, ensuring no one had any ideas.
Riley peeped around curiously at the quaint old-fashioned pub with its tiny mullioned windows. A variety of antique mugs hung from the beamed ceiling. Old worn church pews were mounted on smooth flagstones. A huge hearth took centre place, the wood burner black and unlit. Enough heat emanated from the people circulating. She could imagine what the hearth looked like on a frosty evening—red flames crackling, warm and welcoming—rather than cold and dusty as it was on this summer night.
Reaching the bar, Jago turned to her, only too aware of the amount of male attention she was attracting. He glanced down at her heaving chest, scared to death that her breasts were going to topple out. Only gravity must hold them there; the thin material certainly didn’t.
“What do you want to drink?” he asked, nodding to an old man seated alongside the bar, sipping quietly from his dark pint. “Evening, Tom. How are you keeping?”
The old man gave a toothless grin. “Fine.” Crinkling his pale, watery eyes, he peered at Riley. “Your girlfriend?”
“Good grief, no!” thundered Jago, shaking his head too vehemently.
Riley grinned good-naturedly. “Calm down. He only asked a question. I’ll have a coke.” She turned to the old man. “Hi, I’m Riley, the hired help.” She took his frail hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you.”
“She’s the lad you were waiting for?” He blinked several times in surprise.
“Don’t even go there, Tom. But you’re right. For the moment, at least, she’s working for me.”
Tom grinned. “So where are you from, lass?”
“London.” She took the glass of coke and sucked noisily on the straw. “Whereabouts do you live?”
“Not far from Jago here—the next farm over.” He grinned and added, “You’ll have to call in.”
“Well, Tom, nice seeing you again, but we’re meeting Eve,” intervened Jago. His secretary was waving at them with a manic intensity from a cosy wooden cubicle.
“You go on,” Riley said. “I’m having a chat with my new friend.” Without waiting for a reply, Riley turned her back on Jago, dismissing him. And carried on with her conversation.
Tom grinned at the stunned look on Jago’s face. It was nice to see him put in his place. It didn’t happen very often. Well, never, he amended. His attention back on Riley, he tried to keep up with her rapid-fire questions.
* * *
Jago moved easily through the throng of people, eventually reaching Eve, whose eyes hungrily devoured him. He saw her flash an irritated glance at Riley, knowing she had not expected to see the girl.
“Glad you could come,” she crooned, smiling at him. After he sat, she moved in so close that their thighs touched.
“Yeah, makes a change,” he said. “Good crowd in here tonight.” His gaze focused on Riley, in animated conversation with Tom. He worried about what she might be disclosing; they certainly had nothing in common.
“How has your day been? I haven’t had a chance to speak to you,” she probed, her hot gaze travelling over his rugged features.
Jago suppressed a grin, wondering how he could explain today to her or anyone, come to that. Never in his life had he met such an insane woman. He realized Riley had never answered his question about her driving test.
She broke laws and conventions. Had no morals. Had her own code of ethics. Her dress sense was unbelievably sluttish. And yet, she possessed a strange air of innocence. And then there was the fact she was a virgin, and yet no lady.
He couldn’t work her out, but he did know he was attracted to her. And that worried him. She was a seething mass of contradictions, and he still wanted her with such a sweet ache …. He’d never experienced anything like it, and it scared the shit out of him.
“And?” she pushed, then glanced across the room until she had discerned the object of his focus.
“And what?” He turned to face her, wondering what part of the conversation he’d missed.
“Never mind.” Now that she had his attention at last, she dropped her hand and rested it intimately on his leg. “Why don’t we finish our drinks and go somewhere quieter?”
Jago moved her hand. He wasn’t about to be pawed by any man-hungry woman. “I think you’ve got the wrong impression, Eve.” He’d hoped it wouldn’t come to this. He knew damn well what she wanted. She had made it blatantly obvious. But he did the chasing and the choosing.
“Why?” she pleaded.
Her whiny voice grated on him. “Look, Eve, you’re my employee, and I don’t mix business with pleasure. I’ve told you that.” His expression was hard and forbidding.
“What if I hand in my notice?”
“Then I’d have to get myself another secretary,” he replied dismissively. “And you still wouldn’t be in my bed. So make up your mind.”
“You can’t mean it.” She slammed her drink down hard on the wooden table.
“Every word!” Jago glanced up at the sound of loud, raucous laughter, knowing the source instinctively.
* * *
Riley loved the company of the old men. They made her laugh and she made their day. Even if they couldn’t get it up anymore, they enjoyed the view and the memories her twin peaks recreated.
“You’re a naughty boy, Tom,” she admonished, wagging her finger and laughing once he’d explained what a sheep dip was. “But I will come over and see you. Be nice to get out and around.”
“Dilwyn, get her another coke,” Tom ordered with a wink to another white-haired farmer still in his wellies, complete with dried mud and bright orange bailing cord to hold up his trousers.
He nodded with understanding and signalled to the bartender. “Just a small one in there,” he whispered conspiratorially. Giving a generous squeeze of the lemon, he handed it to Riley, who happily sucked on her straw.
“Ugh, that lemon’s strong.” She fished it out and dropped it on the bar, then slurped noisily again. “Ah, that’s better.” Her glance speared Jago, who appeared to be in an argument with Eve, judging by his black expression.
* * *
“But why, what’s wrong with me?” continued Eve.
Jago wished she’d shut the hell up. Taking deep breaths, he steadied his rising temper and looked down into her face, still brimming with hope despite his rejection.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, trust me.” He felt a headache coming on and rubbed his temple. Against his will he compared Eve to Riley, knowing exactly what the girl would have said. She’d never beg for anything.
Pride was one of her better qualities.
“Then why not?” Eve pleaded, clutching at his shirt sleeve.
“Eve, I’m not repeating myself.” He was fast losing patience. “Either acknowledge this is a working relationship, or feel free to leave.” Removing her hand, he abruptly stood. “You can let me know tomorrow. Sleep on it, because I’m going.” He headed straight to collect Riley, who was even louder as he neared.
“Jago!” she cried happily. “Where’ve you been?” Her deep blue eyes glistened and sparkled, unnaturally bright.
He frowned at her flushed face, then glanced up at Tom and Dilwyn, who tapped their noses with a grin.
Oh shit, he thought, she’s bad enough sober. But if she’d been drinking, he needed to get her out of the pub before she caused a riot.
“Come on, Riley, time to go home.” Gently taking the half-drunk coke, he sniffed it and coughed. Couldn’t the idiot taste the whisky in there?
; “What now? We’ve only just got here,” she moaned, looking at her newfound friends for support. “Don’t be such a spoil sport.” She whispered conspiratorially, “I’ll see if I can sneak back later.”
The two old farmers chuckled, taking perverse pleasure in watching Jago trying to coax her out of the pub.
“Yes, and now we’re going.” His arm easily spanning her waist, he propelled her towards the door. Cringing, he ignored her loud shouts goodbye and manically waving arms. He had to dodge as one nearly hit him.
“They were nice, those old men,” she giggled.
Jago, still with his arm around her waist, steered her towards the car. Fighting with the door, he pushed her unceremoniously into the passenger seat.
“Yeah, great,” he agreed, cursing Tom and his pranks. “Do your seatbelt up.”
“I’m trying,” she moaned, tugging at the wretched thing before giving up. “I can’t,” she stated with finality. Sitting bolt upright in the seat, Riley felt queasy.
Jago leaned over her and pulled it across, fastening it securely. He was acutely aware of how close he was to her.
“You smell nice,” she whispered, her breath blowing hot against his throat.
Jerking back, he felt as if he’d been branded. Without speaking, he turned the ignition.
“Did you see her?” asked Riley out of the blue, the skimming landscape that whizzed by making her feel giddy. And he had the cheek to criticize her speed?
“Who?” His eyes were firmly on the dark road ahead. The pale yellow splash of the headlights barely illuminated the way.
“Eve,” she said, turning to him. It was too dark to make out his features. “You know she likes you. I mean really, really likes you!” she added.
“I know.” His voice was sharp. He didn’t want to talk about Eve. He’d had enough down the pub. He really should think about replacing her. The last thing he wanted was a love-hungry secretary under his feet.
“I think she’s a bunny burner.”
“It’s ‘boiler,’ ” he automatically corrected with a grin.
“Well, whatever. So what are you going to do about it?” For some reason she needed to know. She wound down the window and breathed in deeply. The cold dampness veiled her face, clearing her head a little.
“Nothing. Why should I?” Jago shrugged his broad shoulders. Flicking the indicator, he wasn’t surprised to find that it didn’t work. Seized up, he guessed, due to lack of use. He wondered how she’d made it up from London without causing a major pile-up.
“I don’t know. Just thought you would.” Her stomach rumbled and she changed the subject. “I’m hungry.”
“Think there’s some cold meat. You can have a sandwich when we get in.” Turning into the yard, he switched the engine off.
Jago got out and waited in the darkness. “Are you coming in or staying here for the night?” She was still seated in the passenger seat with a vacant expression on her face.
“Okay, okay, give me five.” At once coming awake, she pushed against the door. Unexpectedly it opened and she tumbled out in a heap, lying on her back and giggling loudly. “Help me up, Jago. I can’t move.” She held one arm up.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” he muttered, pulling her to her feet and holding her swaying body. “I think you need some black coffee.”
“But I’m hungry. I don’t want coffee.” She leaned against him, sniffing his throat. “Mmm, I could eat you, though. You do smell lovely.”
“Riley, just shut the hell up,” he advised, trying unsuccessfully to walk her up the path. Finally he gave up and hauled her into his arms.
“This is nice.” She lay against his chest, her arm draped round his neck. “Your heart sounds loud.” Riley listened to the erratic thudding.
“Yeah, well, that proves I’ve got one,” he replied, relieved when they reached the door and he could get out of the close body contact. He quickly propelled her into the kitchen.
Half an hour later, Riley sat happily munching on her sandwich. Sipping from the mug of steaming black coffee, she studied Jago, sitting opposite.
He was staring at her, wondering where she put all the food she ate.
“Oh, that’s better,” she exclaimed, leaning back in the chair. Too far back. With a scream, she toppled over.
Jago shook his head in disbelief. She lay silent on the floor, her arm flung out. The china mug was in splinters, a dark pool of moisture gathering beside it.
“Riley,” he shouted, kneeling beside her prone form, “are you okay?” Gently he felt for signs of injury.
Groggily opening her eyes, she tried to focus. “Ooh, my head. You need to get new furniture.”
“And you need to come with a bloody government health warning.” His voice was gruff with relief. “Come on. I’m taking you to bed.”
Her eyes flew open and her mouth widened into a victorious grin. “What made you change your mind?” The ache in her head was rapidly disappearing.
Realizing belatedly what he’d said, he picked her up and paused to peek down into her expectant face. “No, Riley, I haven’t. I’m putting you to bed, then going to my own. Understand?”
“Yeah, I understand. You don’t like me. I’ll just have to get a take away.” She stared stoically ahead as he effortlessly climbed the stairs with her in his arms.
“What are you talking about now? You’ve just had food.” He was beginning to think she was a bottomless pit.
“Sex! Remember, you were telling me about the main meal and not coming back for desert?” She still didn’t look at him.
“And?” he asked, holding his breath. He had a hunch he wasn’t going to like her reply.
“Well, I’ve decided to lose my virginity. And if you don’t want it, then I’ll just go out and find someone, anyone, who does,” she stated. “Jesus, does everyone have this problem? Why me, for God’s sake?”
Jago’s heart slammed into his chest. The thought of her with another man made his stomach roil. Yet he couldn’t understand why. Didn’t the airhead realize she couldn’t go around picking up strangers?
But he realized Riley was different. If she was so desperate to lose it, then it would be to him. Because he’d be damned if he’d see her with anyone else.
He paused outside her door, and she looked up at him questioningly. Then he spun about and strode purposely across the landing.
“What are you doing?” Her fleeting glance skirted around. “How come we’re in your room?”
“I’m going to give you what you want,” he whispered, kicking the door shut. He was only too aware that he was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.
Chapter Nine
Riley gazed up at him, and raising her fingers hesitantly, traced his jaw line. “Thank you,” she said quietly.
“Are you sure about this? If you’ve got any doubts, now’s the time to say.” Jago knew that once he started to make love to her, he wouldn’t be able to stop.
“Definitely,” she whispered, nodding her head in case he hadn’t heard.
Jago felt himself drowning in her deep blue eyes. He knew he was making a mistake, but he’d fought against it for too long. He felt like a freight train hurtling out of control, knowing the damage it was going to cause. But hell, he couldn’t turn away. Every selfish instinct raised its ugly head.
Leisurely he tasted her, kissing her with a honey sweet intensity. His tongue skated along the rim of her lips, gossamer soft. His own lips fluttered softly across hers.
Sliding her to her feet, he kept his arm wound tightly around her. Languidly, his movements almost reverent, he began to undress her. He removed each item of clothing with awed precision. Though needing to see her naked with an urgent desperation, he was determined to take his time.
God, I want her so badly.
Jago savoured the sensation of her skin against his. He tasted it with one long, sensuous lick, eager to sink deep into her body. He could feel himself rock hard and tried to hold back—painful as it was—adaman
t that the first time would be special for her.
* * *
Following his lead, Riley uncertainly tweaked at his shirt, little by little shuffling her hands under the cotton to explore his big body, moving them across the undulating curves of his muscles. Leaning forward, she dared to plant a kiss at the dip of his throat. Hearing him suck in his breath, she was amazed to have caused such a reaction.
Encouraged, she slid her hand across his stomach, pulling at his buckle. Her hand slipped down farther to touch his heavy erection, and she looked up at him, in shock.
“Is that for real?” she whispered, wondering how the hell something that big was going to fit inside her.
Jago burst out laughing. His face glowed with the pleasure she gave him. He tugged at the last shreds of her clothing, which pooled on the floor with the rest. Lifting her up, he laid her naked on his bed. His eyes, lids half closed as if in a sensual trance, kept her pinned as he stepped out of his jeans, peeled off his boxers, and stood before her.
“Oh my word, you’re beautiful,” breathed Riley unable to take her eyes off him.
Her gaze greedily roamed over his chest, where a smattering of dark hairs tapered down to a narrow waist and feathered towards his erection. It jutted out, hard and pulsating, and she swallowed nervously, thinking he was hung like a bloody stallion.
Jago saw the worry on her face. “You’ll be fine, I promise.” Joining her on the bed he pulled her to him.
“You and Farley have a lot in common,” she whispered, her voice breaking when she realized it was the truth. She was still worried about how he was going to fit inside her.
A grin twitched his lips at her indirect compliment.
“You sure we’re not going to get stuck?” she asked hesitantly, still hearing the howls of the dogs when they couldn’t come apart.
Jago grinned. Those dogs had a lot to answer for.
“Positive.” Covering her breasts at last, he kneaded softly, relishing their weight and softness in his hand. He was amazed that someone so small could have naturally huge tits. Oh yes, he sighed, I’m definitely a tit man. With a wicked skill he flicked at her nipple, glancing down at the way it puckered. Then, bending his head slowly, he drew on it, sucking hard until it pebbled. His tongue continued a tortuous dance, licking and nibbling, dawdling in a circling motion around each darkened areola.