A Heart's Breath Page 7
Micah froze, and he could feel his heart thundering in his chest. He slowly turned his head and glanced over her. “What do you mean?”
Savannah considered him. Somehow she knew that getting what she wanted depended on her reply. And no way was she losing out. “My parents died when I was eighteen, and I looked after Cato—he was twelve at the time.” Even now, after all these years, she couldn’t stop the quiver in her voice as she recalled the memories. “I didn’t have much time for dating. I was too busy rearing him, making sure we kept a roof over our heads.”
Micah frowned. He didn’t like this news, hated the thought of her struggling. An unusual flush of possessive concern filtered over him. “I’m sorry.”
She gave him a semblance of a smile. “Don’t be. We coped, but in the meantime I didn’t do relationships, couldn’t. It was Cato or sex. So that’s why I’m a virgin. I can’t find a man, at least one I want.”
Micah groaned. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing; any moment now he’d be coming. His prick ached and rose hard beneath the material. “You’ve never had sex?”
She flashed a cheeky grin. “Of course, with a vibrator, but never with a real honest-to-God man. That, Micah, is a mystery to me.”
This was the first time he’d heard her say his name, and he liked the way it rolled off her tongue. He was still in shock that she was a virgin. “So what, exactly, do you want of me?”
“I want to come for the first time at the hand of a man,” she said simply and looked at him as if she were asking for his help with a broken switch.
Micah was lost, stifling a groan. Because he knew he’d be taking her virginity and making her his. Introducing her to the delights of sex, at least for the time he remained.
“Oh, and don’t suppose you’ve got any spare batteries, have you?” she asked him hopefully, keeping the desperation from her face.
“No, why?” Again he struggled to keep up with her.
“I’ve run out. I had to go manual last night to finish off after you’d wound me up.” Her lips curled into a smile. “Plays havoc with my wrist.”
Micah closed his eyes in despair. What would she say next?
Chapter Eight
Cato leaned back, the phone glued to his ear and a satisfied grin on his face. “So, Sis, how’s it going?” His hand stroked the back of Callum, roving over his pert ass, the same one he’d caressed and taken over and over. He was an insatiable lover, as talented in the bedroom as he was in the salon.
“I’m missing you,” she said with a loud sniff. She was lying on her bed, reliving her surreal conversation with Micah.
“It’s only been one night. Stop overdramatizing,” teased Cato.
“I take it your lover has moved in?” she sniped.
“Yep, he’s here with me now. Say hello.”
“Hi,” she mumbled, uncaring.
“You sound in a bitch of a mood,” he observed.
“Well, wouldn’t you be, alone and abandoned by your only family?”
“Quit your exaggerating, for goodness sake. I’m less than an hour away and you’ve got the delicious Micah to look out for you.”
Silence blew down the line.
“Yeah, I’m just thinking of his body, and what a waste! But hopefully he’ll smack my ass again.”
Cato spluttered. “What?”
“Apparently I deserved one.”
Cato smiled; he knew they would be an interesting combination. “So, come on, tell me what happened last night?”
“Well, not a lot, really. Quite a few people came. The strippers were tacky, but I loved the burlesque dance.” She paused. “But two guys got a bit on hand with me.”
Cato tensed and sat up straighter, suddenly fiercely protective. “What?”
“Don’t worry, Micah was there. He sorted them, not that I couldn’t, but he wanted to act like macho man for some unknown reason.”
“Yeah, well, he is security.” Cato wished his sister would sit back and let someone look after her for a change.
“And another thing, you know the solicitor said this place was losing money?”
“Well, according to the ledger I’ve just found, that should be impossible. It lists all the income and no way should we be at a loss. So I’m going to be looking into it.” Savannah paused, speaking her thoughts out loud. “Yet there’s no sign of what goes out …. Surely it can’t be that much. There aren’t a lot of people working here.”
“Anna, be careful. I don’t like the sound of this.” Suddenly he was worried. Things weren’t adding up, mainly the accounts.
“Whoa, calm down, I’m only having a snoop. I could be adding one and one and making five. Don’t make this to be some conspiracy, for Christ’s sake.”
“I’m not. Just be careful, okay?” He knew his sister’s propensity for impulsiveness.
“Yeah, whatever, but not being funny, my biggest worry is that I won’t get my ass spanked tonight. He still hasn’t said yes.”
A gust of laughter blasted down the line. “Trust me, Sis, he will. I guarantee it.” He didn’t bother saying he had a strong feeling she’d get a lot more than that. “Love you loads and speak soon.” Cato clicked the phone off.
Charu rifled through the pile of papers. Her heart hitched up a notch into her throat. She cleared the clutter from the table with a sweep of her arm, searching for the ledger. It had to be there. She knew it. Finally she sat back down on the chair, her chest heaving, clutching at her throat. Somehow it had mysteriously disappeared. She wished she hadn’t meticulously recorded the revenue in her own personal file.
Whoever had that ledger could prove the club was lucrative when they matched it to the other file detailing the outgoings.
She knew of only one person.
Charu dialled the number and waited.
She didn’t waste time on formalities but burst out, “I think the bitch has taken the ledger with my entries in.”
“Why the hell didn’t you get rid of it? I assume you’ve stashed the others?”
“Of course, I’ve always kept two sets of books, one to be seen, the other ours, but somehow she’s got hold of the one.”
“You stupid bitch! I’ll need to sort this out once and for all. Bloody hell but I could strangle you. Why did you leave it hanging around?”
“I didn’t, I forgot,” she muttered, not mentioning it was the presence of Micah that had her frazzled. She was afraid to admit that she’d still not destroyed the small box of photos and letters from Kitty’s room. Or the fact it was still there. Her only consolation was that there was no incriminating evidence to be found. Still, Charu wouldn’t relax until she had both the ledger and the wooden box safe in her hands.
“I’ll have to pay a visit soon and take care of her.” The line went dead as he hung up.
Micah watched as the first of the punters filtered in. He nodded absently, his mind elsewhere. He knew the sham of a pretence was about to come tumbling down. Because no way could he spank her without taking her. The fact that she loved it curdled his thoughts, and then there was her admission she was a virgin …. Somehow, he intended on giving her one hell of an education.
He didn’t need to worry about if she wanted him. He’d witnessed her sneaky peeks, how she’d flushed red. Now he knew why. And that thought excited him.
He also knew Rio didn’t know her and wouldn’t be aware he’d made out with her. He too could play dirty to win the bet.
The night was in full flow when he spotted Savannah. She entered with an uneasy hesitancy. Immediately he crossed the crowded room to go to her side. Concern etched his face. “Are you all right?”
“Yep, any reason I shouldn’t be?” She tilted her head back to stare at him. Nerves were making her edgy. “I don’t need a babysitter, if that’s what you think.”
Micah resisted the urge to take her by the throat and shake her. She was an independe
nt little witch, he realized. “No, but I know what you do need,” he bit, and turning on a spin, left her. An irrational anger and frustration blew through him.
Savannah watched him leave, feeling terribly sad. She didn’t know what she wanted. Yes, she did, she reminded herself. It was him, and if she couldn’t have him, then his hand fetching her to climax would do.
Yet still, he kept her on tenterhooks.
Would he do as she’d asked? She was determined not to beg, would use her own technique again and close her eyes, dreaming of his face looking down at her.
The hours moved on. Savannah spent them just as she had the night before, circulating. Charu she saw little of and wondered what rock she’d crawled under. Suddenly a familiar voice drawled over her.
“Well, well, little lady, I didn’t expect to find you here.”
She slowly turned and looked up into the face of Slade, his red hair coiled in feral, tiny curls, his hazel eyes probing deep.
Savannah’s mouth went slack and she raised her brows in shock. “Good grief, Slade, what are you doing here?”
“I know what my reasons are.” He glanced to the near naked woman on the stage. “However, what are yours?”
“I own it,” she explained simply.
“What?” His ginger brows danced a jingle across his forehead. “You own this? But how?” He’d made queries on her whereabouts and had drawn a blank. It was a sheer fluke that he’d found her at the club.
Savannah tried not to laugh at his shocked disbelief.
“My godmother left it to me. I only discovered I had one a short time ago, and here we are.”
Slade gave a semblance of a smile—shocked and dubious as it was—and nodded. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he touched her lightly, then rubbed his fingers slowly over her neck before subtly dropping them down.
And stopped at the hand that gripped him.
He looked up into the irate glare of a dark-haired man. “Don’t touch what you can’t afford. Now get your hands off her.”
Slade continued to keep his hold. “How do you know what I can afford? And we go back a long way, don’t we, Savannah?”
She shook herself free. She’d been too shocked by the initial invasion of his fingers to react straight away. “Not long enough, so I suggest you listen to the man.” Savannah glanced up into the enraged face of Micah.
Slade gave the two of them a quizzical look.
“Come on,” said Savannah.
Slade watched them with a smidgeon of interest as they disappeared into the crowd. He wasn’t leaving her go. He’d latched onto her at the café and he’d be damned if he’d let that dark-haired giant move in.
For the remainder of the evening, Micah kept one eye on Savannah. It was a strange experience looking out for another person. Yet he had been shocked at the rip of rage that had speared him when the redheaded man touched her. He’d erupted.
He was relieved as the night wore on with no additional drama. His only other source of irritation was Charu. She was stalking him with the tenacity of a lioness. Each time she spoke to him her hands had to touch, caress, and fondle. Her words were slow and cheeky, her gaze hot and sultry. He knew damn well what she wanted.
Before he had a chance to tell her to back off, she’d move away with a teasing wink. Until the next time.
The night ticked by, and eventually the last reveller fell through the door. Finally it closed. Micah’s hooded gaze followed Savannah.
Charu moved to the bar. “Fancy a nightcap?” Her tongue trailed invitingly over her scarlet red lips.
He spared her a glance, then caught the waving ass of Savannah as she left. Micah shook his head. “Catch you in the morning.”
Charu stared after him. Her mouth dropped open, and her gaze splintered and snapped. She wondered what was going on, because she sensed something was. She could feel the tension that surrounded them. Her mobile tinkled, and pulling it out of her purse, she checked the name.
“Well, did you see her?” she asked.
“I saw her, all right. Quite a shock to see our waitress is the new owner.”
Savannah sat on the edge of her bed, worrying over Slade’s appearance. Yet she was more confused by Micah’s response.
She wondered again if he was going to come to her. She didn’t know what to think.
A soft tap sounded at her door, and she raised her head, her expression hopeful. It swung open and Micah loped in, closing it behind him.
She heaved a slow sigh of relief. At his expression, excitement flashed over her as she recalled the feel of his hand on her ass. She peered up at him, and her chocolate gaze melted over his crotch. God, but she wanted what this man advertised.
“You intend giving me what I asked for?” She had to have his answer, was desperate for it.
He paused then gave a slow nod. Micah knew she was about to receive more than she’d hoped for. “I’ll give you what I think you deserve,” he said, walking slowly towards her in his hip-swinging, rolling style.
Savannah watched him close in, unable to breathe. She just wished he wasn’t gay. Then she wondered at his words. What else could he do? But hell, whatever it was, she was up for it.
“Come here.” Micah sat on the bed and looked up at her. She approached and stood obediently before him.
Savannah dropped a sigh—a long, agonising one that dripped with need. And silently nodded. She was going to get it. To feel his hand on her ass. Already her panties were damp. Eying his heavy thighs, she leaned across them.
Micah unzipped her dress and slid it off. As she wriggled out of it, he was lost. She lay across his muscled legs in her underwear. There was no going back now.
Micah intended taking her to the pinnacle of orgasmic bliss. He feasted on her ass. It was huge and lush, and he loved every inch of it.
Slowly his hand caressed her skin, and his erection lurched at her groan. Each time he unhurriedly palmed her ass, she whimpered. In a flash, he yanked on her panties, ripping the material. They fluttered to the floor.
His hand slid down, and his fingers crawled between her legs. They nudged and teased, flicking over her nub. Creeping into her entrance, he teased along her g-spot. Micah swallowed a groan as she began to thrust against him.
“Micah, is this supposed to be happening?” she managed to gasp. A series of heated blasts were thundering into her and her stomach lurched, whilst her pussy raced off on a trip of its own.
Unexpectedly she was flipped over. Her back arched as Micah wrapped his arms around her, drawing her to him. His breath puffed out warm across her throat. “I’ve wanted to do this since I first met you,” he muttered.
Savannah didn’t know what was happening, but she craved him with a fierce longing and dissolved into liquid lust when his lips covered hers. So soft, they stole across her own, sweet and full of promise. Her hand came up, gripping his head, keeping him close. She sucked on his tongue that thrust deep inside, savouring his taste.
“Oh Christ,” she muttered, holding him tight. “What are you doing to me?”
“Showing you how to make love,” he murmured. His hands cradled her breasts. They splurged out from his hands and his fingers tweaked her nipples. Even through the lace of her bra the heat burned with each teasing touch.
“But you’re gay?” She sent a prayer to every deity in the universe. Oh, but please don’t stop now. But did she want him to continue?
“I lied,” he whispered against her skin, and peppered a host of kisses across her throat.
There is a God, she thought, making a mental note to thank him. “And?”
“And I’m going to take your virginity,” he promised with a sweeping lush lick of his tongue across her throat.
“Oh dear God, please, I don’t know—”
“Lady, when I’ve finished, you’re not going to be in any doubt what’s happened.” He snaked his tongue out, running it across her lips with a slow, teasing, tantalizing swipe. “I’ll co
ntinue to thrust into you, to push in deep, filling every inch of your sweet pussy. I’m going to make you scream for more. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll know you’ve been well and truly loved.”
Savannah breathed a sigh of relief. A quiver of a smile traced her lips. Could she do this? Dare she?
She tried to concentrate, but his hands roving over her were sweeping all rational thought away. Savannah wished he’d take his clothes off. She felt too vulnerable lying nearly naked beneath his clothed body.
His fingers trickled over her breasts, and she arched into the tweaks on her nipples, smothering a scream. Her stomach churned. Pleasure ripped red hot through her, and only one thing would satisfy her need. She wished he’d remove her bra. The scorching heat of his fingers through the material wasn’t enough. Relief flooded her when he flicked the catch on her bra and pulled it free.
Micah towered over her, his shaft hard. It was solid and pulsing and needing just one thing. Rising, he locked eyes with her, and with the elegance of a male stripper he slowly tugged at his shirt. He held her mesmerized with the lusty promise of pure sex.
Savannah watched him from beneath heavy lidded eyes. Her breath hitched when he snuck his zipper down in a hushed rasp. She forgot to breathe as he dropped his trousers.
The tight-fitting boxers accentuated his erection. It was huge, hard, and throbbing, straining against the material. She wondered if he’d hurt her, because he appeared to be hung like a bloody stallion.
“Don’t fret, baby, I’ll make sure you’re good and ready for me.” Micah hadn’t missed the brief flit of alarm cross her features.
The bed sank as he joined her, leaning his massive body over her until they pressed together, skin to skin. His hands began a tortured dance. There wasn’t an inch of flesh that he didn’t discover, didn’t kiss. Savannah shivered when his tongue laved her, soft flickering licks that tore at every nerve in her body.
When the realization hit that she was about to make love, a wave of terror tore over her.
Despite his nibbles and sweet words, how his body felt, what her own craved, something held her back.
She couldn’t do it.