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A Heart's Breath Page 5
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Page 5
Then she reminded herself that he was gay … and about to be sacked.
She swallowed. She’d never told anyone they didn’t have a job anymore. Having been on the receiving end countless times, she knew how he would feel. She tried to drop the sympathy vote that was rearing its head. This was business—her business—and she had to be strong.
“You wanted to see me?”
His deep voice launched a volley of blasts through her body. God, but he was so shaggable! An ache formed between her thighs and her hand moved to touch her secret place.
She stopped it just in time. His brow cricked up, and a sinfully naughty grin pulled at his lips. Lips she’d love to lick.
She closed her eyes and swallowed. She’d been watching too many dirty films.
Micah eyed her. He hadn’t missed her hand’s movement, how she’d stopped it just in time. The way she devoured him with her eyes made him feel as if he was about to become her last supper.
He dropped his gaze to the very evident protrusion of a lush dark nipple poking out from behind her pale T-shirt. It was loose and baggy, yet didn’t hide what he’d homed in on.
“Er, yes.” Her face flushed scarlet when she got caught eyeing up his crotch. Oh dear God, she couldn’t speak. He was huge in every department. She fanned at her burning cheeks.
“Are you all right?” Micah struggled to keep the amusement out of his voice. He hadn’t missed her checking him out. It was difficult not to.
“Just a tad warm.” She crossed to the window and fought with the catch, attempting to open it. Then jumped, smothering a scream.
A pair of arms slunk around each side of her. His warm breath seared over her skin. She couldn’t breathe. His body was close, too close, and she could feel something hard against her back. Savannah froze. God, but she wanted this man. Hell, she reasoned that lots of men would do, although that excluded Slade and the others that came on to her in the café. Yet this one was to die for.
However, he was also gay, she reminded herself. Savannah wondered why he had an erection, then dismissed the thought. She’d called him to sack him, not to discuss his sexual preferences. Or hers. Reluctantly, she dragged her thoughts away from his incredible package.
“Here,” he said. His words coasted across her, and a shiver skipped down her spine. “It’s easier this way.” A strong tanned hand gripped the catch and the window opened.
Savannah sucked in the fresh air, relieved when he backed away. However, the burning imprint of his wicked equipment lying snug against her refused to leave.
Micah had been forced to move or he’d have taken her over the windowsill. He didn’t know what it was about the woman, but she was sending him into serious overdrive.
“So what do you want?” His voice was husky and he struggled to get the words out.
You! she wanted to scream. But instead she said, “I’m afraid you’re, er, going to have to go.” Savannah stumbled over the words.
He tipped his head. He knew damn well what she was saying. “So you don’t want to see me?”
“Er, yes, er, I mean no.” She swept her mess of hair back and spat the words out before she backtracked. “Look, you’re sacked, okay?” Savannah tried not to look up at his face, but weakened and did just that.
Micah slid a hand across his eyes. No way was he losing this bet. And getting sacked would constitute that.
He peered through his fingers and struggled not to laugh. She really was no good in business; the horror was written all over her face.
Savannah saw him choke down a noise. Was he crying? Instantly the sympathy card slammed down. “Look, I’m sorry, but it’s just ….” She couldn’t finish, as tears glazed her own eyes.
Darn it, she wished she wasn’t such a pushover.
Micah kept his hand where it was. Sneaking peeks at her, he could see her anguish. “It’s just, well, I’ve got no money and I really need this job.” He reasoned that wasn’t a lie. Rio had his credit cards, and he needed to win the bet.
“What if I pay you till the end of the week?” Savannah tried to keep the tremor out of her voice but couldn’t.
Micah remained silent for a moment. Dropping his hand, he bowed his head. If he looked up, he’d burst out laughing. “It’s my sister, you see. I need the money for her. She’s pregnant.” The lies came easily to him, flowing out on a river of deceit—one he regularly swam down and didn’t give a toss.
“What?” Instantly she felt for him, for the sister she didn’t know. “Isn’t there anyone else?”
Again he shook his head, which was still bent. “No, her boyfriend was killed in a car crash. She’s got only me. And I promised, I promised ….” Micah had to stop before he cracked with laughter. He squinted up at her face. It was a mirror of sympathy and her eyes shimmered.
At once Savannah crossed to him, her sexy thoughts banished. She wasn’t going to come on to him. After all, he was gay.
Instead her maternal instincts raced to the forefront. She was thinking of herself and Cato, who was more like a son than a brother.
Suddenly Micah found his head gripped in an arm lock and dragged down. His face sunk into a pair of pillowcase breasts. “Hush, it’s all right,” she crooned and patted his back. “Stop your worrying. You can stay, okay?”
Micah couldn’t resist coiling his arms around her waist for a sneaky snuggle. He discovered she slotted against his big body perfectly, and his erection surged hard against his jeans.
Savannah didn’t want to move. She’d felt his arms circle her, and she continued to hold his head and just prayed he wouldn’t suffocate. But hell, she reasoned, what a way to go! Instead she was content to stand and comfort the giant of a man.
Whether he realized it or not, he was about to become her first gay best friend.
Chapter Six
Cato strolled to the car alongside his sister. He knew that her composure would soon crumble. That in seconds she’d be a snivelling wreck. He wondered if Micah would console her.
He’d chuckled when she’d introduced them. She hadn’t known that while she was closeted with Charu, he’d been having a chat with him.
“Micah is my special friend.” She’d held his hand and smiled up at his brilliant blue eyes. “My first ever BGF,” she announced proudly.
Cato tried not to laugh at the horror on Micah’s face. She couldn’t get anything right. “Don’t you mean GBF, as in gay best friend?”
“Nope, he’s my Big Gay Friend. I’m not common. I like to be different,” sniffed Savannah. “And besides, look at the size of him.”
Cato had known she wouldn’t sack him, was too much of a pushover. But what he wasn’t telling her was that he wasn’t gay. He had a hunch it was going to be an interesting relationship. Because he’d seen how she dressed and acted around him, brother or no. Cato knew that she’d do the same with Micah, safe and secure that he wouldn’t be interested.
She would treat him like another female. He knew he was being wicked not telling her, but found the situation too funny to resist.
He turned to her. “I’ll ring you tomorrow. Let me know how the first night went.”
The tears rolled silently down her cheeks, and she nodded. Her arms coiled around his neck and she pulled him close, breathing him in, committing his scent to memory. She almost choked on a huge gust of a sob that blasted through her chest.
And the wailing began.
It wasn’t so much a wail as an abysmal cacophony of noise, something between a distressed sea lion and the trumpet of an elephant.
Micah stood at the entrance, a frown creasing his brow, and just about gave in and covered his ears. Her brother had warned him, but never in his entire life had he heard such a noise. He sucked in a sigh when Cato called him forward.
His first duty as her gay friend. He just hoped there wouldn’t be much bonding. There was only so much his sexual interest could tolerate.
Cato tried to console her. “Look, Sis, it’s just down the road—not even an hour�
�s drive.”
“I know. It’s just, it’s just ….” She collapsed again against him.
He looked up at Micah, who’d stood nearby. “It’s okay. She did this at every house we left. She’s an emotional well. Just glad there aren’t any tramps around here.”
“Why?” asked Micah, not sure where this was going or what he was talking about.
“She’s a sucker for a sob story. Gives her last just because they say they’re broke.” At last he managed to disentangle himself from her clinging arms and pushed her towards Micah.
“See you, Sis, and stay out of trouble, okay?” Cato quickly ducked into the driver’s seat, wiping away the glaze of tears on his own cheeks. Then he thought of Callum, and his dark mood lifted.
Savannah waved until the little car was out of sight before turning to Micah and sobbing against his chest.
Uncertainly, he wrapped her close to his big body, his hand patting her back as she had his, comforting. For the first time in his life he actually wanted to help somebody. His thoughts centred on her quivering shoulders.
“Hush now, come on, honey, stop your tears.” Unconsciously he pressed his lips to the coarseness of her hair and couldn’t prevent his smile. It smelt and tasted of neglect.
“It’s just that we’ve never been apart,” she hiccoughed against him.
“Well, maybe it’s time,” he said, repeating Cato’s words, gently extricating her before his erection popped. For some unfathomable reason he was hard, as usual, from just being around her.
“That’s what Cato said,” she sobbed. “He also wants to move Callum in, and so I’m redundant.” Another wail began and Micah closed his eyes. He didn’t know or care who Callum was. He just hoped to Christ this wouldn’t go on for long or sod the bet, he’d quit.
Charu inspected herself critically in the cheval mirror and twirled. She looked drop-dead gorgeous, she decided. The red dress that clung to her body suited her, rolling over every tiny curve. She spiked her short black hair through her long fingers. Equally blood-red nails flashed through the dark strands.
She thought back to the reversal from Savannah, how suddenly Micah and the woman appeared close friends. And squelched down the surge of jealousy, although, she reasoned, there wasn’t a need. Couldn’t be.
Charu was looking forward to the night ahead, and the interaction between them.
How Savannah would cope.
Again her thoughts homed in on Micah. Since his arrival she couldn’t think of anything else. She wondered what it was about that man that sent her pussy into a spin. There could be only one outcome.
Having him.
Savannah chewed her lip. She didn’t know what to wear and decided to take advantage of her new BGF Micah. He could decide between the regular little black dress, which was not so little but actually a plus size, or the over-the-top red creation that seemed more suited to a ball. She’d bought it on a whim from a charity shop.
He’d told her his room was opposite hers, and so she wrapped a robe around herself and knocked briefly before swinging the door open.
Her jaw dropped. He was standing in a miniscule pair of clinging boxers and nothing else. She couldn’t talk, couldn’t think. All she could do was wish he was into women.
Into her, to be exact.
Deep inside.
With a greedy fascination, she let her gaze trace over his burnished skin, across the snatch of dark hair that fizzled down a taut abdomen and dropped beneath his boxers. She strived to get inside, squinting lecherously, then gave up and followed a pair of heavenly muscled thighs. Oh God! What she’d do to have them wrapped around her ….
Micah looked up. He’d been about to shower when the door crashed open and Savannah stood in the frame. He studied her face, the emotions that scrolled over it as she scraped over every inch of his body. Could see how her eyes darkened from splintering chocolate to burnt black, along with her mouth that hung slack.
Micah knew she wanted him.
“What’s wrong?” He deliberately ambled towards her in slow, hip-shaking strides.
“Its, er, I mean ….” Savannah shook her head. He’s gay she reminded herself. He’s your new best friend.
Would you sleep with your new best friend? she argued with her ego.
Yes, I would, it shouted back. God, her alter ego was such a tramp.
Only there wouldn’t be much sleeping.
Finally she got the words out. “I need your opinion on a dress.”
Micah swallowed back the grin and nodded. “Give me five and I’ll come over.”
She backed slowly away, determined to get every scrumptious inch of him in her head. He’d be in her oh-so-sexy dreams tonight, along with her vibrator.
Micah knocked on the door and opened it unannounced. His dark trousers were snug around his hips. His chest bare and his hair still damp, he padded in on bare feet.
Savannah turned to him. She’d been staring out of the window. Her stomach churned with nerves. It was dark and silent outside. She wondered how long it would be before the punters arrived. Already there’d been a smattering of cars that had turned into the staff car park.
“I need to know what you think I should wear. I’ve never hosted this type of club before.” She threw her arms in the air, her nerves getting the better of her. “Hell, what am I talking about? I haven’t done this at all.”
Micah tried not to grin at her frank honesty. The more he was hearing and seeing about this woman, the more curious he was becoming. She intrigued him, in that she was like no one he’d ever met.
“So, sit your ass down and give me your opinion,” she ordered, pointing to the bed.
Before Micah could turn away, she’d dropped her dressing gown and marched across to the one dress. His eyes didn’t leave the heady bounce of her heavy breasts. He ignored the rounded curve of her stomach, instead launched onto her overly large ass that was pinched by a too-tight thong.
And swallowed.
A sharp pain lanced his crotch as his frustration exploded. Model material she wasn’t. Sexy, most definitely.
She spun around. “Well what do you think?” The red dress flowed out.
“You look like a Christmas cracker. It’s terrible,” he announced honestly.
Micah was forced to watch as she slipped out of it and bent over. Her ass was so temptingly stuck in the air, he forced himself to stay still. All he wanted to do was grip her hips and sink deep inside her.
To take her hard, till she was dry and he was empty.
“How about this?” She twirled around and stood before him. Savannah wished he’d worn a top. He was decadently sexy. His pecs were rounded and hard and she wondered where he worked out. Or with whom, she added, sucking in a sigh. He could practice his press-ups on her any time.
Given a chance, she thought wickedly. Okay, slut girl, calm down. Not going there.
“Yeah, fine,” he replied distractedly. What he wanted to do was starting to take over and he needed to get out of her space. Or he’d be giving up on the bet and jumping her bones.
She glanced up. “Anything wrong?”
“No, it’s just I’d better be downstairs soon before anyone comes.”
Savannah looked at him, considering, and paused. “Okay, I’ll catch you later.”
She watched his peachy ass sizzle—he had a sinful wiggle. She itched to grab his deliciously tempting rump.
Then the door closed.
Her BGF was safe.
God, she thought. She was becoming obsessed with the man. She tried to concentrate on the fact he was gay, and if he wasn’t, then it would be Charu he’d be attracted to. Not her. She blew out a long sigh of frustration. Get real, girl, and stop dreaming.
Was she ever going to get her end away with a good looking guy? Then despondency overtook her. She already knew the answer.
Savannah gave herself a mental shake. She was missing her brother.
she should be looking forward to her first evening as owner of the Orangery.
When she eventually decided to put in an appearance, the club was in full flow. She hadn’t missed the number of cars arriving along with taxis and guessed they were the randy overnighters.
Before leaving her room, Savannah had spared a final glance in the mirror and wondered if Micah had lied. The black dress was so tight, it looked like a wetsuit. Everything bulged that bit too much, including her stomach, and she sucked in a deep breath. Her face reddened until she released a burst of air. Her shoes had kitten heels, so they only bolstered her height by a mere inch and a bit. But she was too unsteady; it was safer than wearing towering stilettos.
Her mass of hair was snagged back, and she’d not bothered with makeup, apart from a touch of lippy. Savannah also wore no jewellery. Mainly because she didn’t have any, apart from the single ring. Pulling in her nerves, she hesitantly made her way downstairs.
Micah glanced around at the healthy crowd in the large lounge. His huge frame moved with ease between them. The massive, ornate bar filled the bottom of the room—a mass of dark mahogany and gleaming brass. Over-the-top and overpriced, he guessed.
He scanned the area, searching for Savannah, waiting for her to appear. An awful lot of males were swirling around. The few females who appeared clung onto their partners, and he could tell at a glance it was an affair in process.
Suddenly he was looking down into the face of Charu. “Do you think you’ll settle in here?” she asked, her Icelandic gaze sweeping over him.
“Don’t see why not,” he replied without committing. “It’s been okay so far.” He knew damn well she was on the hunt and debated giving in. Yet he was determined to win the bet, and knew Rio would ask her if he’d bedded her.
In fact his best friend—the sneaky bastard—had probably insisted on it.
“And what do you think of our new owner?” she asked, not giving her own opinion away.